Ceph integration tests made simple with OpenStack

If an OpenStack tenant (account in the OpenStack parlance) is available, the Ceph integration tests can be run with the teuthology-openstack command , which will create the necessary virtual machines automatically (see the detailed instructions to get started). To do its work, it uses the teuthology OpenStack backend behind the scenes so the user does not need to know about it.
The teuthology-openstack command has the same options as teuthology-suite and can be run as follows:

$ teuthology-openstack \
  --simultaneous-jobs 70 --key-name myself \
  --subset 10/18 --suite rados \
  --suite-branch next --ceph next
Scheduling rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/...
Suite rados in suites/rados scheduled 248 jobs.

web interface:
ssh access   : ssh ubuntu@ # logs in /usr/share/nginx/html

As the suite progresses, its status can be monitored by visiting the web interface::

And the horizon OpenStack dashboard shows resource usage for the run:

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