The XiVO Qt client is packaged for Debian GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOsX (prefer the git version over the directory referenced by the wiki). The codebase and the package is being maintained by Corentin Le Gall (aka kaou on When the code is in a stable state, he logs in a dedicated server and runs the package generation scripts found in the cross directory of the sources (read cross as in cross compilation).
XiVO Qt client packaging
The resulting packages are then uploaded to a directory that depends on the operating system :
The Debian GNU/Linux packages are created by a custom script that builds the binary .deb file using the binary produced by the compilation. There is no corresponding source package. The MacOsX .dmg are created by a custom script.
The Windows .exe are created by a NSIS script.
Other XiVO clients
The XiVO web interface is made of a JQuery based webapp relying on web services provided by the XiVO server. It is not packaged on its own : when the user connects to the PHP based web interface (as found in the web-interface directory of the git repository) the browser loads it as a side effect.
The XiVO android client is packaged using the Eclipse based toolkit.
XiVO server packaging source policy
The XiVO server sources and the corresponding Debian GNU/Linux packaging instructions follow an undocumented policy. The SVN respository containing the packaging instructions is not published but it can be re-constructed from the Debian GNU/Linux directories found in the source packages of the XiVO Debian GNU/Linux repository.
- All packages authored by Avencall start with the pf- prefix (for instance pf-xivo-fetchfw)
- The Debian GNU/Linux package of third party packages (asterisk for instance) is a fork of the official package that may or may not be synchronized with it. In particular patches applied to the upstream in Debian GNU/Linux may or may not be applied in the XiVO distribution.
- A third party package source tree is made of (take a look at the freeswitch directory of the git repository for an example):
- tarballs that contains all past and current source archives
- that will get the latest source archive from the official source and place it in the tarballs directory
- Makefile.pkg that contains the name of the directory in the (unpublished) SVN repository containing the debian package (for freeswitch it is : DEB_PKG = “freeswitch”)
- is a script that:
- unpacks the source archive
- apply the patches (which may be in the debian directory or in the source directory) (freeswitch has no patch although it contains a call to quilt)
An unpublished tool has been used consistently over the years and rely on this policy. The purpose of this tool is essentially the same as the Debian GNU/Linux WannaBuild or launchpad.
packaging-farm multi architecture support
A new release of packaging-farm was published Sunday 30 January, including the following features:
- Basic multi-architecture support : i386 and x86_64 are supported when running the packaging-farm on an x86_64 platform. It should ultimately rely on a slave virtual machine, either running localy or on a remote machine.
- Support for the currently active ubuntu releases.
It is still unclear how packaging-farm could be used to create multi-distribution and multi-architecture packages for XiVO and that will be my focus for the following weeks.