On demand Ceph packages for teuthology

When a teuthology jobs install Ceph, it uses packages created by gitbuilder. These packages are built every time a branch is pushed to the official repository.

Contributors who do not have write access to the official repository, can either ask a developer with access to push a branch for them or setup a gitbuilder repository, using autobuild-ceph. Asking a developer is inconvenient because it takes time and also because it creates packages for every supported operating system, even when only one of them would be enough. In addition there often is a long wait queue because the gitbuilder of the sepia lab is very busy. Setting up a gitbuilder repository reduces wait time but it has proven to be too time and resources consuming for most contributors.

The buildpackages task can be used to resolve that problem and create the packages required for a particular job on demand. When added to a job that has an install task, it will:

  • always run before the install task regardless of its position in the list of tasks (see the buildpackages_prep function in the teuthology internal tasks for more information).
  • create an http server, unless it already exists
  • set gitbuilder_host in ~/.teuthology.yaml to the http server
  • find the SHA1 of the commit that the install task needs
  • checkout the ceph repository at SHA1 and build the package, in a dedicated server
  • upload the packages to the http server, using directory names that mimic the gitbuilder conventions used in the lab gitbuilder and destroy the server used to build them

When the install task looks for packages, it uses the http server populated by the buildpackages task. The teuthology cluster keeps track of which packages were built for which architecture (via makefile timestamp files). When another job needs the same packages, the buildpackages task will notice they already have been built and uploaded to the http server and do nothing.

A test suite verifies the buildpackages task works as expected and can be run with:

teuthology-openstack --verbose \
   --key-name myself --key-filename ~/Downloads/myself \
   --ceph-git-url http://workbench.dachary.org/ceph/ceph.git \
   --ceph hammer --suite teuthology/buildpackages

The –ceph-git-url is the repository from which the branch specified with –ceph is cloned. It defaults to http://github.com/ceph/ceph which requires write access to the official Ceph repository.

Gitlab CI runner installation

The instructions to install GitLab CI runner are adapted to Ubuntu 14.04 to connect to GitLab CI and run jobs when a commit is pushed to a branch.

A runner token must be obtained from GitLab CI, at the http://cong.dachary.org:8080/projects/1/runners URL for instance.

The gitlab-ci-multi-runner/ is installed as follows:

$ curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
$ sudo apt-get install gitlab-ci-multi-runner
$ $ sudo gitlab-ci-multi-runner register
Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g. http://gitlab-ci.org:3000/):
Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:
Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
[cong]: runner1
INFO[0156] 4418775e Registering runner... succeeded
Please enter the executor: shell, parallels, docker, docker-ssh, ssh:
[shell]: docker
Please enter the Docker image (eg. ruby:2.1):
If you want to enable mysql please enter version (X.Y) or enter latest?

If you want to enable postgres please enter version (X.Y) or enter latest?

If you want to enable redis please enter version (X.Y) or enter latest?

If you want to enable mongo please enter version (X.Y) or enter latest?

INFO[0281] Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!

It is configured to run each job in a golang docker container. The project git repository is expected to have a .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root. For instance if .gitlab-ci.yml was:

  script: "type go"

the GitLab runner would succeed with: