Nicolas Hicher completed the packaging of the maintenance version 1.1.15 of gallifrey and a first attempt was made at rebuilding the upcoming 1.1.16. The packaging-farm virtual machine was upgrade to version 1.2.42. The version 2.0.0 of packaging farm was published and an ITP sent to Debian GNU/Linux.
cardstories Debian GNU/Linux package
The version 1.0.3 of cardstories was published in Debian GNU/Linux and made available in the local repositories. Translations and proofreading patches were included.
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political memory : installation instructions
A local political memory with the same data as online versionwas completed and the installation instructions updated.
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a plugin for mail notifications
A plugin was implemented to send mail notifications when a player is invited or when a game is completed. The plugins implemented was modified to help the mail plugin implementation.
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CSS integration and game interactions (part 5)
The board results are explained, the hover images of the lobby have been integrated. The tests of the auth plugin were completed to reach 100% coverage.
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node resurrection in the FSF France ganeti cluster
The z2-8 node of the FSF France ganeti cluster was resurected using a 24GB RAM, 2TB disk, i7 processor rented hardware.
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An alternate XiVO skaro repository
The alternate skaro repository was assembled from the source and debian GIT repositories and complemented with packages found in the official dak. Some virtual packages ( skaro, dahdi-linux-modules) where hand made. A Makefile target was created to update all the XiVO packages from git at once. The 1.2.42 was released with optimizations ensuring that only the necessary packages are compiled.
bug fixing cardstories
cardstories was tested manually and the blockers were fixed. The resulting release was installed and includes the solo mode.
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solo mode for cardstories (part 2/2)
The solo mode that was drafted yesterday was implemented. A bug preventing asynchronous actions in plugins was fixed.
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solo mode for cardstories (part 1/2)
A solo mode was specified and an implementation based on the proposed plugin system has been drafted.
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