marionnet was packaged early 2011 for Ubuntu. The marionnet, marionnet-kernels and marionnet-ocamlbricks packages were imported into a dedicated virtual machine installed with packaging-farm. The marionnet-ocamlbricks and marionnet were successfully built for Debian GNU/Linux squeeze but marionnet-kernels failed. The authors were prompted for advice. migration
The was migrated to the tetaneutral datacenter. It was reconfigured to benefit from a 250GB SSD. The IPv4 assigned to it goes from OVH to tetaneutral (and back) using an IPv6 tunnel.
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Bug Submission Assistant : same origin policy violation fixed
All versions of the Bug Submission Assistant had a same origin policy problem preventing user feedback. It was fixed by asking for a server side reverse proxy definition and a variable that can be controled by the enclosing frame.
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XiVO GIT repository re-organisation
The XiVO GIT repository re-organisation aims at creating a single repository for each software. In order to prepare for this migration, the repository directory can be specified as GIT_DIRECTORY to
The 2.0.17 version of packaging-farm was published with a fix for when a package failed to build but packaging-farm thinks it succeeded and was installed on all machines.
cardstories server race condition fixed
The cardstories server is based on twisted and each server operation that is not CPU is run in a fiber using a combination of deferred and yield. This makes for an efficient code that reads almost like a sequential program. However, after each yield the state of the program may have changed and this creates race conditions.
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Bug Submission Assistant : components interactions
The component interaction described by Kevin Hunter was implemented. The confusing attachment path was hidden from the user. The user agent is included in the bug description.
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Bug Submission Assistant : sanity checks
The Bug Submission Assistant is built from information found in wiki and bugzilla. When they disagree, either because of a spelling mistake or another inconsistency, the Bug Submission Assistant fails. sanity checks were implemented to detects such inconsistencies and they are run each time the Bug Submission Assistant is updated.
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Bug Submission Assistant : attachment improved
The first version of the Bug Submission Assistant only allowed to attach a screenshot after the bug report was submitted. In addition it was not protected from double submission and not comment could be attached to the uploaded document. The two steps submission ( bug report followed by attachment ) was merged into a single step submission. The description field displayed under the file selection is for the description of the screenshot and replaces the hardcoded SCREENSHOT string.
failure to fix a webkit bug
A webkit bug was selected as a candidate for a first proposed patch. It turns out to be a deep problem being progressively fixed since 2009 and unfit for a first contribution.
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bring packaging-farm to users who need it
The sustainability of packaging-farm depends on the number of its users. There currently are four: a company shipping a software suite to its customers ( Avencall with XiVO ), the software that initiated the development ( pokersource as found in Debian GNU/Linux with poker-eval, poker-engine etc), a university developed set of packages for bioinformatics ( biopp from université de montpellier ) and a single package web game in its early stages of development ( from farsides).
The problem packaging-farm is facing to get new users is described below in terms that may apply to other projects with a similar size and scope. No solution to the problem is found and there probably is none. The web site information was improved and a beginner guide written.
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