anatomy of an OpenStack based integration test for a backuppc puppet module

An integration test is run by jenkins within an OpenStack tenant. It checks that the backuppc puppet module is installed

ssh root@$instance test -f /etc/backuppc/hosts || return 3

A full backup is run

ssh root@$instance su -c '"/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg \
   backup nagios.novalocal nagios.novalocal backuppc 1"' \
                              backuppc || return 4
ssh root@$instance tail -f /var/lib/backuppc/pc/nagios.novalocal/LOG.* | \
    sed --unbuffered -e "s/^/$instance: /" -e '/full backup 0 complete/q'

and a nagios plugin asserts its status is monitored

    while ! ( echo "GET services"
        echo "Filter: host_alias = $instance.novalocal"
        echo "Filter: check_command = check_nrpe_1arg"'!'"check_backuppc" ) |
        ssh root@nagios unixcat /var/lib/nagios3/rw/live |
        grep "BACKUPPC OK - (0/" ; do
        sleep 1

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