ceph internals : buffer lists

The ceph buffers are used to process data in memory. For instance, when a FileStore handles an OP_WRITE transaction it writes a list of buffers to disk.

                                             | +-----+ |
    list              ptr                    | |     | |
 +----------+       +-----+                  | |     | |
 | append_  >------->     >-------------------->     | |
 |  buffer  |       +-----+                  | |     | |
 +----------+                        ptr     | |     | |
 |   _len   |      list            +-----+   | |     | |
 +----------+    +------+     ,--->+     >----->     | |
 | _buffers >---->      >-----     +-----+   | +-----+ |
 +----------+    +----^-+     \      ptr     |   raw   |
 |  last_p  |        /         `-->+-----+   | +-----+ |
 +--------+-+       /              +     >----->     | |
          |       ,-          ,--->+-----+   | |     | |
          |      /        ,---               | |     | |
          |     /     ,---                   | |     | |
        +-v--+-^--+--^+-------+              | |     | |
        | bl | ls | p | p_off >--------------->|     | |
        +----+----+-----+-----+              | +-----+ |
        |               | off >------------->|   raw   |
        +---------------+-----+              |         |
              iterator                       +---------+

The actual data is stored in buffer::raw opaque objects. They are accessed through a buffer::ptr. A buffer::list is a sequential list of buffer::ptr which can be used as if it was a contiguous data area although it can be spread over many buffer::raw containers, as represented by the rectangle enclosing the two buffer::raw objects in the above drawing. The buffer::list::iterator can be used to walk each character of the buffer::list as follows:

  bufferlist bl;
  bl.append("ABC", 3);
    bufferlist::iterator i(&bl);
    EXPECT_EQ('B', *i);

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