Teuthology docker targets hack (2/5)

The teuthology container hack is improved to snapshot the container after Ceph and its dependencies have been installed. It helps quickly testing ceph-qa-suite tasks. A job doing nothing but install the Firefly version of Ceph takes 14 seconds after the initial installation (which can take between 5 to 15 minutes depending on how fast is the machine and how much bandwidth is available).

2014-11-17 01:21:00,067.067 INFO:teuthology.worker:Reserved job 42
2014-11-17 01:21:00,067.067 INFO:teuthology.worker:Config is:
machine_type: container
name: foo
os_type: ubuntu
os_version: '14.04'
    ceph: {branch: firefly}
owner: loic@dachary.org
priority: 1000
- [mon.a, osd.0, osd.1, client.0]
- {install: null}
tube: container
verbose: false

Fetching from upstream into /home/loic/src/ceph-qa-suite_master
completed on container001: sudo lsb_release '-is':  Ubuntu
reusing existing image ceph-base-ubuntu-14.04-firefly
running 'docker' 'stop' 'container001'
completed ('docker', 'stop', u'container001') on container001:  container001
2014-11-17 01:21:31,677.677 INFO:teuthology.run:Summary data:
{duration: 14, flavor: basic, success: true}
2014-11-17 01:21:31,677.677 INFO:teuthology.run:pass

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