Building Ceph Debian GNU/Linux packages

The following script explains how to create Debian GNU/Linux packages for Ceph from a clone of the sources.

rm -fr releasedir
mkdir -p $releasedir
# remove all files not under git so they are not
# included in the distribution.
git clean -dxf
# git describe provides a version that is
# a) human readable
# b) is unique for each commit
# c) compares higher than any previous commit
# d) contains the short hash of the commit
vers=`git describe --match "v*" | sed s/^v//`
# creating the distribution tarbal requires some configure
# options (otherwise parts of the source tree will be left out).
./configure --with-rocksdb --with-ocf --with-rest-bench \
    --with-nss --with-debug --enable-cephfs-java \
    --with-lttng --with-babeltrace
# use distdir= to set the name of the top level directory of the
# tarbal to match the desired version
make distdir=ceph-$vers dist
# rename the tarbal to match debian conventions and extract it
mv ceph-$vers.tar.gz $releasedir/ceph_$vers.orig.tar.gz
tar -C $releasedir zxf ceph_$vers.orig.tar.gz
# copy the debian directory over and remove -dbg packages
# because they are large and take time to build
cp -a debian $releasedir/ceph-$vers/debian
cd $releasedir
perl -ni -e 'print if(!(/^Package: .*-dbg$/../^$/))' ceph-$vers/debian/control
perl -pi -e 's/--dbg-package.*//' ceph-$vers/debian/rules
# always set the debian version to 1 which is ok because the debian
# directory is included in the sources and the upstream version will
# change each time it is modified.
# update the changelog to match the desired version
cd ceph-$vers
chvers=`head -1 debian/changelog | perl -ne 's/.*\(//; s/\).*//; print'`
if [ "$chvers" != "$dvers" ]; then
   DEBEMAIL="" dch -b -v "$dvers" "new version"
# create the packages
# a) with ccache to speed things up when building repeatedly
# b) do not sign the packages
# c) use half of the available processors
PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH dpkg-buildpackage -j$(($(nproc) / 2)) -uc -us

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