XiVO GIT repository re-organisation

The XiVO GIT repository re-organisation aims at creating a single repository for each software. In order to prepare for this migration, the repository directory can be specified as GIT_DIRECTORY to submit-xivo.sh.
The 2.0.17 version of packaging-farm was published with a fix for when a package failed to build but packaging-farm thinks it succeeded and was installed on all machines.

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Bug Submission Assistant : attachment improved

The first version of the Bug Submission Assistant only allowed to attach a screenshot after the bug report was submitted. In addition it was not protected from double submission and not comment could be attached to the uploaded document. The two steps submission ( bug report followed by attachment ) was merged into a single step submission. The description field displayed under the file selection is for the description of the screenshot and replaces the hardcoded SCREENSHOT string.

bring packaging-farm to users who need it

The sustainability of packaging-farm depends on the number of its users. There currently are four: a company shipping a software suite to its customers ( Avencall with XiVO ), the software that initiated the development ( pokersource as found in Debian GNU/Linux with poker-eval, poker-engine etc), a university developed set of packages for bioinformatics ( biopp from université de montpellier ) and a single package web game in its early stages of development ( cardstori.es from farsides).
The problem packaging-farm is facing to get new users is described below in terms that may apply to other projects with a similar size and scope. No solution to the problem is found and there probably is none. The web site information was improved and a beginner guide written.
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Safeguard against downgrades in XIVO packages

After submitting an asterisk version with a version lower than the previous one, the packaging-farm created an inconsistent repository. The existing version was


and the version being submitted was


According to dpkg –compare-versions, the version being submitted is actually older than the release candidate -rc2, because – is after + lexicographicaly. This is a mistake and should be replaced by a version number that is higher than the -rc2. But packaging-farm silently ignored the problem and created a bugous package, mixing the sources being submitted with a version number coming from the existing version.A safeguard was added and packaging-farm will now abort with an error message explaining the error and suggesting a course of action.
The 2.0.15 was published and installed on the gallifrey, gallifrey-dev and skaro build machines.

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nodehack : one day javascript minigame

The topic of the game jam organized at c-base.org was : hacking. A team of three including Iwan Gabovitch (artwork), Rico Possienka (server) and Loïc Dachary (client) implemented the nodehack multiplayer online game. The screen shows computer nodes that must be compromised. The player can click on a node to compromise it, one at a time. When the node falls under her/his influence, the player gets the points associated with the node. The first player reaching 200 points wins the game.
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