Migrating from ganeti to OpenStack via Ceph

On ganeti, shutdown the instance and activate its disks:

z2-8:~# gnt-instance shutdown nerrant
Waiting for job 1089813 for nerrant...
z2-8:~# gnt-instance activate-disks nerrant

On an OpenStack Havana installation using a Ceph cinder backend, create a volume with the same size:

# cinder create --volume-type ovh --display-name nerrant 10
|       Property      |                Value                 |
|     attachments     |                  []                  |
|  availability_zone  |                 nova                 |
|       bootable      |                false                 |
|      created_at     |      2013-11-12T13:00:39.614541      |
| display_description |                 None                 |
|     display_name    |              nerrant                 |
|          id         | 3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16 |
|       metadata      |                  {}                  |
|         size        |                  10                  |
|     snapshot_id     |                 None                 |
|     source_volid    |                 None                 |
|        status       |               creating               |
|     volume_type     |                 ovh                  |
# rbd --pool ovh info volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16
rbd image 'volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16':
        size 10240 MB in 2560 objects
        order 22 (4096 KB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.90f0417089fa
        format: 2
        features: layering

On a host connected to the Ceph cluster and running a linux-kernel > 3.8 ( because of the format: 2 above ), map to a bloc device with:

# rbd map --pool ovh volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16
# rbd showmapped
id pool image                                       snap device
1  ovh  volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16 -    /dev/rbd1

Copy the ganeti volume with:

z2-8:~# pv < /dev/drbd10 | ssh bm0014 dd of=/dev/rbd1
2,29GB 0:09:14 [4,23MB/s] [==========================>      ] 22% ETA 0:31:09

and unmap the device when it completes.

rbd unmap /dev/rbd1

The volume is ready to boot.

Migrating ganeti virtual machines to OpenStack (part 2 / 2)

A ganeti cluster hosts GNU/Linux based fully virtualized virtual machines, booting from a disk image with a boot loader and a partition table. The case of para-virtualized virtual machines has been covered in a previous post. An OpenStack LVM volume is created on a designated bare metal machine with euca-create-volume –zone ZONE –size INGB. The disk image is copied verbatim into the volume with a command such as dd if=/dev/drbd9 | ssh dd of=/dev/nova-volumes/vol-0001. The virtual machine is then defined on the same host to save bandwidth with nova boot … –block_device_mapping vda=39::0:0 … –availability_zone=ZONE … .
Continue reading “Migrating ganeti virtual machines to OpenStack (part 2 / 2)”

Migrating ganeti virtual machines to OpenStack (part 1 / 2)

A ganeti cluster hosts GNU/Linux based para-virtualized virtual machines. The disk is extracted with kpartx(8) and uploaded to the glance OpenStack image service with glance add … disk_format=ami…. It is associated with a kernel image compatible with both OpenStack and the existing file system with glance update … kernel_id=0dfff976-1f55-4184-954c-a111f4a28eef ramdisk_id=aa87c84c-d3be-41d0-a272-0b4a85801a34 ….
Continue reading “Migrating ganeti virtual machines to OpenStack (part 1 / 2)”