Migrating from ganeti to OpenStack via Ceph

On ganeti, shutdown the instance and activate its disks:

z2-8:~# gnt-instance shutdown nerrant
Waiting for job 1089813 for nerrant...
z2-8:~# gnt-instance activate-disks nerrant

On an OpenStack Havana installation using a Ceph cinder backend, create a volume with the same size:

# cinder create --volume-type ovh --display-name nerrant 10
|       Property      |                Value                 |
|     attachments     |                  []                  |
|  availability_zone  |                 nova                 |
|       bootable      |                false                 |
|      created_at     |      2013-11-12T13:00:39.614541      |
| display_description |                 None                 |
|     display_name    |              nerrant                 |
|          id         | 3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16 |
|       metadata      |                  {}                  |
|         size        |                  10                  |
|     snapshot_id     |                 None                 |
|     source_volid    |                 None                 |
|        status       |               creating               |
|     volume_type     |                 ovh                  |
# rbd --pool ovh info volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16
rbd image 'volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16':
        size 10240 MB in 2560 objects
        order 22 (4096 KB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.90f0417089fa
        format: 2
        features: layering

On a host connected to the Ceph cluster and running a linux-kernel > 3.8 ( because of the format: 2 above ), map to a bloc device with:

# rbd map --pool ovh volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16
# rbd showmapped
id pool image                                       snap device
1  ovh  volume-3ec2035e-ff76-43a9-bbb3-6c003c1c0e16 -    /dev/rbd1

Copy the ganeti volume with:

z2-8:~# pv < /dev/drbd10 | ssh bm0014 dd of=/dev/rbd1
2,29GB 0:09:14 [4,23MB/s] [==========================>      ] 22% ETA 0:31:09

and unmap the device when it completes.

rbd unmap /dev/rbd1

The volume is ready to boot.

Collocating Ceph volumes and instances in a multi-datacenter setup

OpenStack Havana is installed on machines rented from OVH and Hetzner. An aggregate is created for machines hosted at OVH and another for machines hosted at Hetzner. A Ceph cluster is created with a pool using disks from OVH and another pool using disks from Hetzner. A cinder backend is created for each Ceph pool. From the dashboard, an instance can be created in the OVH availability zone using a Ceph volume provided by the matching OVH pool.

Continue reading “Collocating Ceph volumes and instances in a multi-datacenter setup”

Fragmented floating IP pools and multiple AS hack

When an OpenStack Havana cluster is deployed on hardware rented from OVH and Hetzner, IPv4 are rented by the month and are either isolated ( just one IP, not a proper subnet ) or made of a collection of disjoint subnets of various sizes.

OpenStack does not provide a way to deal with this situation and a hack involving a double nat using a subnet of floating IP is proposed.
A L3 agent runs on an OVH machine and pretends that is a subnet of floating IPs, although they are not publicly available. Another L3 agent is setup on a Hetzner machine and uses the subnet.
When an instance is created, it may chose a Hetzner private subnet, which is connected to a Hetzner router for which the gateway has been set to a network providing the Hetzner floating IPs. And the same is done for OVH.
A few floating IP are rented from OVH and Hetzner. On the host running the L3 agent dedicated to the OVH AS, a 1 to 1 nat is established between each IP in the subnet and the OVH floating IPs. For instance the following /etc/init/nat.conf upstart script associates with the floating IP.

description "OVH nat hack"

start on neutron-l3-agent

  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
  ip addr add dev br-ex
  while read private public ; do
    test "$public" || continue
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $private/32 -j SNAT --to-source $public
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $public/32 -j DNAT --to-destination $private
  done <<EOF
end script

Continue reading “Fragmented floating IP pools and multiple AS hack”

HOWTO OpenStack Grizzly and Ceph with Puppet on Ubuntu 12.04

For months I’ve asked people working with puppet modules on a daily basis for a HOWTO that I could follow to setup a new cluster with the Grizzly OpenStack release. Such a HOWTO is not needed for people who develop the modules or deploy OpenStack for a living. It is however very helpful for the casual system administrator willing to get it running in a few hours, all by herself/himself.
The packstack seems to be exactly that : a walkthru of a well tested procedure that anyone with a basic understanding of what OpenStack is can rely on. It requires an RPM based distribution and this may be a significant effort for someone used to DEB based operating systems.
For Ubuntu users, the kickstack project was started in summer 2013 and targets hands on sessions, with the declared goal to make it easy for people new to both OpenStack and puppet. Later on, it inspired Dan Bode to use a new approach based on dependency injection to implement openstack-installer for Cisco.
The proposed HOWTO uses openstack-installer to deploy OpenStack against an existing Ceph cluster and provides:

  • keystone
  • nova ( kvm )
  • quantum ( openvswitch + gre )
  • cinder ( Ceph backend )
  • horizon
  • glance ( Ceph backend )

Continue reading “HOWTO OpenStack Grizzly and Ceph with Puppet on Ubuntu 12.04”

gerritexec: continuous integration one-liner

gerritexec is a command line tool listening to gerrit on a designated project. On each new patchset, it will:

  • git clone the project
  • git pull the patchset
  • cd in the git tree and run a script
  • positively review the patchset ( +1 ) if the program exit(0)
  • negatively review the patchset ( -1 ) otherwise

For instance It can be used to run the integration tests found in the git tree of the stackforge/puppet-ceph project:

GEM_HOME=~/.gems gerritexec --hostname review.openstack.org \
           --username puppetceph \
           --script ' ( bundle install ; bundle exec rake spec:system ) > /tmp/out 2>&1 ; r=$? ; pastebinit /tmp/out ; exit $r #' \
           --project stackforge/puppet-ceph

Larger projects should consider using zuul or a gerrit jenkins plugin.
Continue reading “gerritexec: continuous integration one-liner”

OpenStack + Ceph on junk hardware and hazardous hosting

OpenStack is installed with puppet and configured to use a Ceph cluster installed with ceph-deploy. The hardware is composed of about 25 heterogeneous HP machines that are over three years old. Five of them have been racked in a basement that not as dry as it should be. The 100Mb/s Internet connection uses a 30m category 5 cable going through two holes in the walls before reaching the rack.
The cluster will be connected to other similar clusters to reduce the risk of loosing data.

Junk hardware, in a basement

Continue reading “OpenStack + Ceph on junk hardware and hazardous hosting”

Fully automated disks life cycle in a Ceph cluster

Adding, moving and removing disks in a Ceph cluster can easily be automated and require no manual intervention. New disks are formatted when the configuration tool ( Puppet, Chef etc. ) notices they are unknown according to ceph-disk. When disks are removed for whatever reason, Ceph recovers the information it contained, as expected. If disks are hot plugged from one machine to another, udev rules will automatically allow them to rejoin the cluster and update the crush map accordingly.
Continue reading “Fully automated disks life cycle in a Ceph cluster”

from zero to ceph in five seconds

The micro-osd bash script is 91 lines long and creates a Ceph cluster with a single OSD and a single MON in less that five seconds

$ time bash micro-osd.sh single-osd
starting osd.0 at :/0 osd_data single-osd/osd single-osd/osd.journal
# id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
-1      1       root default
0       1               osd.0   up      1
export CEPH_ARGS='--conf single-osd/ceph.conf'
ceph osd tree
real    0m4.677s

It is meant to be used for integration tests, for example in the context of the openstack-installer puppet manifest to deploy OpenStack. Ceph is configured to run from a directory, on a single host, without cephx, in a non privileged environment and uses about 100MB of disk space.

$ du -sh single-osd/
103M    single-osd/

Continue reading “from zero to ceph in five seconds”

setting up an openstack-installer test environment

openstack-installer is a data oriented replacement of puppet-openstack. The following HOWTO runs some basic tests on vagrant virtual machines that are preserved for introspection with:

# vagrant status
control_basevm           running
# vagrant ssh control_basevm
vagrant@control-server:~$ ps -ax | grep keystone
15020 ?        Ss     0:01 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/keystone-all

The control_basevm runs the horizon dashboard:

Continue reading “setting up an openstack-installer test environment”