The version 2.0.12 of packaging-farm was published with modifications to the package version conventions and disk usage optimization. The gallifrey production and development build machines were upgraded and the errors found when trying to rebuild were reported.
production version conventions
XiVO package release numbers must not contain the timestamp + hash. This means that there will be no way to upgrade from a development machine to a production machine, because the package numbers for production will be lower than the package numbers for development. For instance 1.1.15~20110801.af83bc8 will be lower than 1.1.15.
(05:15:22 PM) guillaumeb: dachary: pourquoi on conserve la date/le n° de commit dans les paquets de prod ? (05:42:23 PM) dachary: guillaumeb: la date c'est pour avoir une numérotation chronologique. Le numéro de hash c'est pour avoir une façon de trouver a quel commit ça correspond dans le git. (05:52:32 PM) guillaumeb: dachary: oui, mais pour les releases (du temps de git/nono), on virait le numéro de commit dans la version du paquet (05:54:16 PM) dachary: guillaumeb: je pourrais rajouter cette fonctionalité dans le script de soumission. Je n'avais pas réalisé qu'elle existait. (05:55:01 PM) guillaumeb: parce qu'il semble que là ça pose un pb pour les migrations (le script ne doit pas correctement gérer le '~...') (05:55:58 PM) dachary: guillaumeb: c'est clair que toute déviation du modèle établit est une menace de péter la compatibilité. (05:56:28 PM) dachary: guillaumeb: tu peux me décrire l'algo de nono pour la gestion de la numérotation pour la release ? (05:57:31 PM) dachary: foo-1.1.1~svn283-1 puis foo-1.1.1-1 ca marcherait pas donc ca doit etre autre chose (06:04:19 PM) guillaumeb: dachary: je ne connais pas l'algo dans le détail (06:04:51 PM) guillaumeb: mais par exemple, en 1.1.14, la version de pf-xivo-web-interface était 7:1.1.14-1 (06:05:47 PM) dachary: je vois pas comment faire pour avoir une version inferieure a 1.1.14 en ajoutant qqc a la fin (06:05:53 PM) dachary: pour moi ca va toujours etre superieur (06:06:05 PM) dachary: doit y avoir un truc (06:06:38 PM) yoda1410: le -1 c'est la revision du package (06:06:43 PM) yoda1410: pas la version du package (06:07:53 PM) dachary: yoda1410: oui. 7:1.1.14-1 c'est [epoch:]version[-debianversion] (06:08:06 PM) yoda1410: eh bien ou est le soucis ? (06:08:16 PM) yoda1410: 1.1.13-7 seras toujours inferieur a 1.1.14-1 (06:08:17 PM) dachary: si tu as 7:1.1.14~svn200-1 pendant le dev (06:08:30 PM) guillaumeb: yoda1410: oui, mais ça fait partie du numéro de version du paquet (06:08:37 PM) dachary: yoda1410: ah ! (06:08:50 PM) dachary: yoda1410: c'est pas bete ce que tu dis :-) (06:09:05 PM) dachary: la version release est *inferieure* a la version de dev (06:09:12 PM) dachary: mais superieure a la precedente release (06:09:26 PM) dachary: donc qqn qui aurait une version de dev serait dans la mouise (06:09:39 PM) dachary: mais qqn qui aurait une version stable a upgrade serait bon (06:10:04 PM) dachary: dans la mouise => a devoir downgrader (du point de vue de dpkg --compare-version ) (06:10:13 PM) yoda1410: un repository de dev, un repository stable (06:10:26 PM) yoda1410: potentiellement, tu passes pas vraiment de l'un a l'autre et vice versa (06:10:57 PM) dachary: si cette incohérence dans le numérotage des version est admise et habituelle, alors pourquoi pas 09:07:20 AM) guillaumeb: comme disait yoda1410 hier, on ne mélange pas les 2 (soit on installe une stable, soit une dev), donc ça ne pose pas vraiment de pb (09:08:45 AM) dachary: guillaumeb: ok, donc je vais implémenter un truc qui permet de supprimer la génération de timestamp + hash après ~ et ce flag pourra etre mis sur la machine de build qui se charge des release. Ca ira comme ça tu penses ? (09:09:15 AM) dachary: je peux faire ça lundi.
VERSION_COMPUTE is implemented to disable the use of a timestamp and short hash when generating the source version number in This creates a situation where the versions computed when VERSION_COMPUTE is true are always higher than the versions computed when VERSION_COMPUTE is false, because 20110820.aaa88ff ). The goal of this variable is to shorten the XiVO version numbers for production packages, meaning the development packages will have a lower version number than the development packages. The fact that it won’t be possible to upgrade from development to production has been agreed on.
The manual page was updated with the new option:
VERSION_COMPUTE=true By default each source version number is created by computing the current time and extracting the last commit hash from the source repository (see the VERSION section above. If VER- SION_COMPUTE is set to false then the current time and last com- mit hash are not used when generating the version number.
epoch change
The version 2.0.12 of packaging-farm was installed on the gallifrey virtual machine instead of the previous 2.0.10 that did not contain the package version safeguards. When running
packaging-farm --cd gallifrey update
The following errors are reported :
The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-chan-sccp/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-chan-sccp (3:0~prerelease+svn2187+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn11148-6) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (3:0~prerelease+svn2187+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn11148-6) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (3:0~prerelease+svn2187+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20110628.185034.ab4fbbe-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/changelog is 'dahdi-tools (12:2.4.1+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn10418-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (12:2.4.1+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn10418-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (12:2.4.1+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20110323.135020.382fcea-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-sounds-gsm-de-de/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-sounds-gsm-de-de (1.0+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8396-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1.0+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8396-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1.0+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20100617.101945.9e0ba42-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-sounds-wav-en-us/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-sounds-wav-en-us (1:1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8366-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1:1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8366-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1:1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20100615.100833.e35f5bc-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-sounds-wav-es-es/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-sounds-wav-es-es (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8369-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8369-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20100615.123951.a72913e-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-sounds-wav-fr-ca/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-sounds-wav-fr-ca (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8373-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn8373-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1.4.19+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20100615.131728.8e37c34-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-asterisk-prompts-xivo/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-asterisk-prompts-xivo (1.1.16~svn10712-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1.1.16~svn10712-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1.1.16~20110505.071312.f112dde-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-asterisk-prompts/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-asterisk-prompts (2:1.1.16~svn10715-2) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (2:1.1.16~svn10715-2) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (2:1.1.16~20110505.073011.01bf04f-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-asternic-stats/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-asternic-stats (3:1.1.16~svn9393-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (3:1.1.16~svn9393-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (3:1.1.16~20101008.160607.3537a3d-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-agid/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-agid (6:1.1.16~svn11175-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (6:1.1.16~svn11175-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (6:1.1.16~20110701.092341.397e495-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-base-config/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-base-config (10:1.1.16~svn11120-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (10:1.1.16~svn11120-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (10:1.1.16~20110802.135651.7f1de42-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-cti-server/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-cti-server (26:1.1.16~svn10937-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (26:1.1.16~svn10937-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (26:1.1.16~20110727.102922.01b04e7-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-cti-webclient/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-cti-webclient (1:1.1.16~svn9668-1) etch-xivo-dalek-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1:1.1.16~svn9668-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1:1.1.16~20101130.153620.4f95789-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-extra/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-extra (1.1.16~svn9928-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey; urgency=low' and contains a version (1.1.16~svn9928-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1.1.16~20110112.094154.13f90a7-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-fetchfw/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-fetchfw (3:1.1.16~svn11130-1) etch-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (3:1.1.16~svn11130-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (3:1.1.16~20110627.175022.83cded2-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-lib-python/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-lib-python (19:1.1.16~svn10798-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (19:1.1.16~svn10798-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (19:1.1.16~20110512.142430.c2d6027-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-provisioning/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-provisioning (4:1.1.16~svn10454-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (4:1.1.16~svn10454-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (4:1.1.16~20110331.175748.85fafed-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-queues-logger/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-queues-logger (1:1.1.16~svn9930-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1:1.1.16~svn9930-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1:1.1.16~20110112.114348.7d798fa-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-sysconfd/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-sysconfd (1:1.1.16~svn10321-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (1:1.1.16~svn10321-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (1:1.1.16~20110304.195243.b9a73dd-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-utils/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-utils (3:1.1.16~svn10962-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (3:1.1.16~svn10962-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (3:1.1.16~20110804.084947.d48eca0-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/pf-xivo-web-interface/trunk/debian/changelog is 'pf-xivo-web-interface (7:1.1.16~svn11177-1) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (7:1.1.16~svn11177-1) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (7:1.1.16~20110802.135651.7f1de42-1) The first line of /var/cache/packaging-farm/VCS/debian/lenny-xivo-gallifrey/asterisk-addons/trunk/debian/changelog is 'asterisk-addons (42:1.4.13+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn10199-6) lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev; urgency=low' and contains a version (42:1.4.13+pf.xivo.1.1.16~svn10199-6) that is greater or equal (according to dpkg --compare-versions) than the version computed by (42:1.4.13+pf.xivo.1.1.16~20110215.130731.9460139-1)
The same upgrade was done on the gallifrey development build machine. The command
packaging-farm --cd gallifrey update
did not issue any error message and found a number of updates. However, when running
packaging-farm gallifrey
it failed on sangoma-wanpipe with the following error:
... /usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.c:1504: error: 'DAHDI_MAINT_LOOPSTOP' undeclared (first use in this function) /usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.c: In function 'wp_tdmv_rx_dchan': /usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.c:2516: error: 'struct dahdi_chan' has no member named 'readbufq' /usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.c:2517: error: 'struct dahdi_chan' has no member named 'sel' /usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.c:2519: error: 'struct dahdi_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq' make[6]: *** [/usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp/sdla_tdmv.o] Error 1 make[5]: *** [_module_/usr/src/sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1/kdrvtmp] Error 2 make[4]: *** [all] Error 2 --------------------------------------------- make[3]: *** [common-build-impl] Error 1 dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2 BUILD END packaging-farm --cd sangoma-wanpipe ARCHITECTURE=i386 DISTRIBUTION=lenny chroot-login
It turns out that the source package for sangoma-wanpipe could only be found in the existing repositories (it does not have a corresponding git directory in the repository) and is probably outdated. On the gallifrey development machine it shows:
/var/cache/packaging-farm/sources/sangoma-wanpipe: total used in directory 13708 available 12287544 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 16 05:41 . drwxr-xr-x 48 www-data root 12288 Aug 29 05:16 .. drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 May 16 05:41 sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.17.dfsg.1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15904 May 13 09:07 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1555 May 13 09:07 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13971782 Nov 25 2010 sangoma-wanpipe_3.5.17.dfsg.1.orig.tar.gz
where on the gallifrey machine it shows:
/var/cache/packaging-farm/sources/sangoma-wanpipe: total used in directory 14172 available 6490308 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 28 10:48 . drwxr-xr-x 48 www-data root 12288 Aug 29 04:43 .. drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Jun 27 05:06 sangoma-wanpipe-3.5.20.dfsg.1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1266 Jun 27 05:16 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14465725 Jun 27 05:16
suggesting that a more recent version is available.
disk usage optimization
packaging-farm keeps the complete build environment at all times in the build directory of a package. When disk space must be saved, there should be an option to get rid of it, at the expense of slowing the build.
The SAVE_DISK variable is implemented to agressively save space (i.e. the apt archives directory is no longer saved). The chroot used to build a given distribution for a given architecture is always umounted and removed.
The packaging-farm.conf manual page was updated:
SAVE_DISK After a package is successfully built, remove all the intermedi- ary files if SAVE_DISK=yes. If SAVE_DISK=no or is missing, more disk space will be used because a number of intermediary files are not removed. For instance the packages loaded from the Internet for a Debian GNU/Linux package are kept so that they can be reused by another build without the need to download them again.