Display the default Ceph configuration

The ceph-conf command line queries the /etc/ceph/ceph.conf file.

# ceph-conf --lookup fsid

The –show-config option can be used to display the config of a running daemon:

ceph -n osd.123 --show-config

When no name is specified, it will show the default Ceph configuration

ceph --show-config --conf /dev/null

One Reply to “Display the default Ceph configuration”

  1. The –show-config option can be used to display the config of a running daemon:

    I just tried to use this on our Jewel cluster, and found that it works slightly differently. The situation is that we have changed the osd snap trim sleep parameter in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf from 1 to undespecified (default 0), but haven’t restarted the OSD daemons yet. But --show-config seems to show what’s in ceph.conf, not what is actually running:

    $ ceph -n osd.123 --show-config | grep trim_sleep
    osd_snap_trim_sleep = 0
    $ sudo ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.123.asok config show | grep trim_sleep
    "osd_snap_trim_sleep": "1",

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