The teuthology container hack is improved by adding a flag to retrieve packages from a user specified repository instead of The user can build packages from sources and run a job, which will implicitly save a docker image with the package installed. The second time the same job is run, it will go faster because it reuses the image. For instance the following job:
machine_type: container os_type: ubuntu os_version: "14.04" suite_path: /home/loic/software/ceph/ceph-qa-suite roles: - - mon.a - osd.0 - osd.1 - client.0 overrides: install: ceph: branch: master ceph: wait-for-scrub: false tasks: - install: repository_url: - ceph:
runs under one minute:
{duration: 47.98, flavor: basic, owner:, success: true}
What if we want to form cluster of containers and when the containers are sitting in different docker host.
So far your impletementation is on the same docker host, corrent me if i am wrong.
Yes, this implementation is to run teuthology on a single host, not multiple hosts.
I cloned your wip-container branch and started using it
so i ran a job file as below:
machine_type: container
os_type: ubuntu
os_version: “14.04”
suite_path: /home/ceph-qa-suite
– – mon.a
– osd.0
– osd.1
– client.0
branch: master
wait-for-scrub: false
– install:
– ceph:
In usual teuthology way, we also provide in job yaml file ‘targets’ ,
but since machine_type == container, how do i skip the error that are
caused because key ‘targets’ not present in ctx.config.
I also tried by mentioning in job yaml file
but then task failed.
If you ca give me detail of job yaml that you have used, i can manage to
see where i am going wrong since I don’t have paddle, lock or result server or is it
compulsory to have paddles/lock/result server ?
Shambhu may be easier to setup.