The version 2.0.11 of packaging-farm was published with bug fixes mostly related to the submission of XiVO packages. The bug fixed were kernel-module ignores SOURCE_MODULE, must reuse tarbal and epoch always triggers submission. The submission script was enhanced to reduce the number of hg pull when examining multiple packages. The skaro build machine was upgraded with the latest version of packaging-farm. The versions of the XiVO packages that were using the old SVN convention were updated.
XiVO packaging verbosity and safeguards
The 2.0.10 version of packaging-farm was published with safeguards against package version inconsistencies and reduced verbosity. It was installed on the skaro and gallifrey virtual machine used to build XiVO and tested on gallifrey-dev.
Multiple users building on the XiVO packaging machine
As the avencall team start to use packaging-farm to build the next release of XiVO, locking was implemented to avoid confusion. The +build prefix is now added automatically by packaging-farm to avoid the publication of duplicate packages. The addition of a source.list was documented. A kernel module bug occurring when the module had a name different than the package was fixed. The git repositories were set togit:// . The version 2.0.9 was published with all the changes and installed.
Continue reading “Multiple users building on the XiVO packaging machine”
XiVO package submissions rules
The 2.0.8 version of the packaging farm was published with an updated algorithm based on version numbers instead of timestamps so that it can cope with selecting a designated tag instead the the default master.
installing yet another host for FSF France
Instead of following the howto or resurect from backup, the z2-1 host of the FSF France ganeti cluster was recreated from scratch.
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cross browser compatibility
The cardstories tests were run on a number of browsers to check for portability issues. They were resolved to match the farsides development requirements.
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XiVO farm dedicated to development
After comparing the merits of a single machine to build the development and the production version of gallifrey, it was decided to create a new machine. To facilitate the stabilisation of a new production version, the version 2.0.7 of packaging-farm has been published with support to build from a designated GIT revision.
adding a new host to the FSF cluster
Instead of following the howto or resurect from backup, the z2-5 host of the FSF France ganeti cluster was recreated from scratch.
Continue reading “adding a new host to the FSF cluster”
law and Free Software workshop
A workshop titled La loi et le Logiciel Libre was organized during two hours and the slides are available for download.
write a story 2.0
The tasks required to implemented New board: After picking a card, the author is asked to enter a story were split. An architecture is proposed for animations in cardstories. The reload frequency was reduced to a minimum to create conditions favorable to animations.
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