The z2-8 node of the FSF France ganeti cluster was resurected using a 24GB RAM, 2TB disk, i7 processor rented hardware.
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An alternate XiVO skaro repository
The alternate skaro repository was assembled from the source and debian GIT repositories and complemented with packages found in the official dak. Some virtual packages ( skaro, dahdi-linux-modules) where hand made. A Makefile target was created to update all the XiVO packages from git at once. The 1.2.42 was released with optimizations ensuring that only the necessary packages are compiled.
bug fixing cardstories
cardstories was tested manually and the blockers were fixed. The resulting release was installed and includes the solo mode.
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solo mode for cardstories (part 2/2)
The solo mode that was drafted yesterday was implemented. A bug preventing asynchronous actions in plugins was fixed.
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solo mode for cardstories (part 1/2)
A solo mode was specified and an implementation based on the proposed plugin system has been drafted.
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Using and Updating a XiVO gallifrey repository
The gallifrey repository was updated with the changes introduced since May 23rd, 2011. The 1.2.41 version of packaging-farm was published with more documentation and a bug fix related to the generation of the dependency graph. Nicolas Hicher independently installed a working XiVO virtual machine using the repository. The same repository was used to setup a dedicated XiVO for one OVH phone.
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cardstories plugins
The infrastructure for cardstories plugin was implemented. Each plugin may register when it loads and listen to game events and/or transform the incoming HTTP requests or the outgoing JSON result.
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cardstories event notifications and plugins
An event notification system was added to the CardstoriesService class so that third party code can listen to it. It will help implement email notifications. The architecture of a plugin system was designed.
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CSS integration and game interactions (part 4)
The latest invitations sent by the game author are kept in a cookie, which makes it easier to create a new game immediately after the previous one is finished. The Debian GNU/Linux package has been prepared for publication.
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OSM tile generation server
The HOWTO setup an OpenStreetMap tile generation virtual machine was run and tested successfully.
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