The create and invite functions of the JavaScript client were implemented and tested. The authentication methods specified so that it is friendly to social network integration.
Continue reading “cardstories part 3: create and invite, client side”
cardstories part 2: webservice
The webservice implementation of the gameplay was debugged and completed. It is sometimes available and the design of the JQuery client was discussed.
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cardstories part 1: draft implementation
The farsides studio published specifications for a card game named cardstories. A development environment was installed and a draft implementation of the gameplay completed.
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XiVO sources conventions implemented and documented
A shell script implementing the XiVO sources conventions was integrated in packaging-farm and documented. Creating a package can be done from the repositories with a one-liner packaging-farm DIRECTORY=lib-javascript PACKAGE=pf-xivo-lib-js submit
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giving up on opensocial
The goal was to improve the state of the python opensocial package published in 2010. After a few hours exploring the latest evolutions of OpenSocial, it turns out that it became too difficult for an occasional Free Software developer to get involved.
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poker-engine 1.3.6
A new release of poker-engine fixing minor bugs was published and the corresponding package uploaded to fix a bug related to the use of use dh_python2. The support of python2.7 for pypoker-eval was considered but turns out to be unnecessary.
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webservice daemon: php vs node.js vs python/twisted
The same web service was developed in php, node.js and Twisted/python. The winner is Twisted/python, primarily because it provides a robust asynchronous programming model, can be confortably debugged and deployed.
Continue reading “webservice daemon: php vs node.js vs python/twisted”
mercurial bug fix (issue1590)
A patch for the mercurial bug Bogus exit code 0 for some commands was produced. In the process a few pages of the wiki were updated to improve the introduction to the contribution process. The tests were tuned on a high end machine to run in less than 2mn instead of 15mn.
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ganeti for the gcc compile farm and OpenStreetMap
A ganeti cluster was setup on a GCC Compile Farm machine. A virtual machine was created for the benefit of OpenStreetMap. It will replace the current virtual machine with better I/O.
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Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the VCS (2/2)
A shell script has been completed and creates a Debian GNU/Linux package in accordance to the conventions laid out in the first part of this post. Version 1.2.33 of the packaging farm has been published to further automate the package generation and reduce the required configuration file editions].
Continue reading “Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the VCS (2/2)”