All versions of the Bug Submission Assistant had a same origin policy problem preventing user feedback. It was fixed by asking for a server side reverse proxy definition and a variable that can be controled by the enclosing frame.
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Bug Submission Assistant : components interactions
The component interaction described by Kevin Hunter was implemented. The confusing attachment path was hidden from the user. The user agent is included in the bug description.
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Bug Submission Assistant : sanity checks
The Bug Submission Assistant is built from information found in wiki and bugzilla. When they disagree, either because of a spelling mistake or another inconsistency, the Bug Submission Assistant fails. sanity checks were implemented to detects such inconsistencies and they are run each time the Bug Submission Assistant is updated.
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Bug Submission Assistant : attachment improved
The first version of the Bug Submission Assistant only allowed to attach a screenshot after the bug report was submitted. In addition it was not protected from double submission and not comment could be attached to the uploaded document. The two steps submission ( bug report followed by attachment ) was merged into a single step submission. The description field displayed under the file selection is for the description of the screenshot and replaces the hardcoded SCREENSHOT string.
libreoffice Bug Submission Assistant postmortem
From august 29th, 2011 to this day, the Bug Submission Assistant was implemented and released.
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libreoffice bug reporting (part 4)
The information required to create a bug assistant page is extracted from the advanced bug tracker query form and the wiki page describing the components using a mixture of XSLT and perl scripts. The BugReport_Details has been updated with class conforming to a newly defined libreoffice-bug microformat.
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libreoffice bug reporting (part 3)
The bug assistant draft page was updated with information extracted from the Bug Report Details page and the bugzilla page. It now shows the components, the matching subcomponents, the list of available versions, displays a comment explaining the component when it is selected and fetches the existing bug reports when a subcomponent is selected.
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libreoffice bug reporting (part 2)
A draft implementation of a bug report front end for libreoffice was assembled behind a reverse proxy pretending that is For the Writer and BASIC components a subcomponent can be selected. The URLs of the existing bug reportings is appended to the page. When the form is submit the user is redirected to with the proper fields set.
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libreoffice bug reporting (part 1)
In a private conversation during the desktop summit Michael Meeks mentioned that work was needed on the easy / accurate bug filing task. According to him the primary goal is to reduce the number of bugs reports that cannot be used by asking a few simple questions to the reporter. The work done in February 2011 by Daniel Neel was partialy reimplemented and tested using jquery.