The openstack software suite is made of a number of software packages. It is packaged primarily for Ubuntu. The nova source packages was built for Debian GNU/Linux wheezy and Ubuntu 10.10.
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dalibo debian packages
The dalibo Debian GNU/Linux repository was used to build an alternate repository using packaging-farm.
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marionnet squeeze packages
marionnet was packaged early 2011 for Ubuntu. The marionnet, marionnet-kernels and marionnet-ocamlbricks packages were imported into a dedicated virtual machine installed with packaging-farm. The marionnet-ocamlbricks and marionnet were successfully built for Debian GNU/Linux squeeze but marionnet-kernels failed. The authors were prompted for advice.
XiVO GIT repository re-organisation
The XiVO GIT repository re-organisation aims at creating a single repository for each software. In order to prepare for this migration, the repository directory can be specified as GIT_DIRECTORY to
The 2.0.17 version of packaging-farm was published with a fix for when a package failed to build but packaging-farm thinks it succeeded and was installed on all machines.
bring packaging-farm to users who need it
The sustainability of packaging-farm depends on the number of its users. There currently are four: a company shipping a software suite to its customers ( Avencall with XiVO ), the software that initiated the development ( pokersource as found in Debian GNU/Linux with poker-eval, poker-engine etc), a university developed set of packages for bioinformatics ( biopp from université de montpellier ) and a single package web game in its early stages of development ( from farsides).
The problem packaging-farm is facing to get new users is described below in terms that may apply to other projects with a similar size and scope. No solution to the problem is found and there probably is none. The web site information was improved and a beginner guide written.
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packaging-farm 2.0.3
The version 2.0.3 of packaging-farm was published including bug fixes for meta packages. The repository for packaging-farm was converted from mercurial to git and tiddlwiki replaced with trac.
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