Although the virtual machine hosting has 1GB of RAM, it suffers from memory shortage on a daily basis. The causes were analyzed and it was concluded that it will migrate to a larger (4GB and 4CPUs) host. GRUB2 was installed and configured to boot on linux 2.6.38.
Continue reading “ system administration”
An alternate XiVO gallifrey repository (part 1/2)
An altnernate gallifrey repository repository was created and should be useable in two weeks from now as an alternative to the official repository. The 1.2.38 release of packaging-farm was produced with the bug fixes done in the process.
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cardstories part 14: cancel and autoplay
The –game-timeout option was added to specify that a game left unattended during more than 24h should either be canceled or proceed to the next state. At present the author of the game is required to act to go from the invitation state to the vote state and then to the complete state. The same functions used for the timeout could be used to automate these steps.
Continue reading “cardstories part 14: cancel and autoplay”
cardstories part 13: long polling client
The JavaScript client has been adapted to give immediate feedback when an event occurs using the long polling notification service. The game is refreshed as soon as an action is required from the player or when (s)he is invited to a new game.
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cardstories part 12: long polling server
The poll method has been added server side to implement a notification mechanism inspired by long polling.
Continue reading “cardstories part 12: long polling server”
cardstories part 11: artwork task list
The list of completed games has been integrated and implemented. A skin gallery was completed to conveniently displayed all the integrated pages without a need to actually play the game. A summary of all the requests was produce for Xavier Antoviaque and tartarugafeliz to work on.
Continue reading “cardstories part 11: artwork task list”
cardstories part 10: packaging and testing
A python package, a Debian GNU/Linux package and a twistd plugin were bundled together. The server side tests and client side tests can be run with a single command.
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Signing and naming XiVO packages
Support for GPG signing the packages has been added to the 1.2.37 release of packaging-farm, together with full support for the naming conventions of XiVO.
automating AGPL compliance
A webservice partially automating the publication of server side sources licensed under the AGPL was implemented for the cardstories game.
It could be reused in different contexts to help the occasional hacker to comply with the terms of the AGPL.
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cardstories part 9 : lobby
The list of games in progress and finished were integrated. The lobby function was added to the webservice server. The list of games in progress is now the first step when entering the client.
Continue reading “cardstories part 9 : lobby”