Two minor pitfalls when upgrading Havana stable

When upgrading an OpenStack compute or l3 agent node from 1:2013.2 to 1:2013.2.3 on Ubuntu precise 12.04.4:

  • The nova-compute version 1:2013.2 is expected to fail with
    IncompatibleObjectVersion: Version 1.9 of Instance is not supported

    when interfaced with a 1:2013.2.3. It will not disrupt the running instances but will prevent operations on them until the upgrade is complete.

  • neutron-l3-agent will fail with:

    AttributeError: 'HTTPClient' object has no attribute 'auth_tenant_id'

    because the python-neutronclient package must also be upgraded . It only happens if upgrading with apt-get install neutron-common but will be fine if upgrading with apt-get dist-upgrade.