The OpenStack Upstream Training scheduled november 1st, 2014 in Paris will have a unprecedented number of participants and for the first time there is a shortage of Lego. In addition to the 80 pounds of spare parts (picture fourground), six new buildings have been acquired today (Tower Bridge, Sydney Opera, Parisian Restaurant, Pets Shop, Palace Cinema and Grand Emporium). They will be at Lawomatic for assembly form October 1st to October 31st. Anyone willing to participate please send me an email.
Once this first challenge is complete, the buildings will have to be transported to the Hyatt conference rooms where the training will take place. The rendez-vous point is 8am Lawomatic Saturday November 1st, 2014. Each of us will carefully transport a building (or part of it in the case of the Tower Bridge) in the subway. There will be coffee and croissants upon arrival 🙂