The Debian GNU/Linux package for OpenSceneGraph required that a FTBFS bug (Fail To Build From Source) was fixed. The result was uploaded to Debian GNU/Linux. New categories were added to the TODO and obsolete files were removed from the candidate 2.9.11-1 release that has been published in experimental. The old openscenegraph package page was obsoleted.
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development testbed for farsides
humanityprojectonline software is being developed at launchpad. A new development machine was created. In the process the INSTALL file was improved by practice. The php tests were run after fixing a problem in the associated makefile.
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HTML to XHTML patch for pidgin
There are many ways to contribute to Free Software and the path depend both on the people running the project and on the habits of the contributor. This is the story of a trhee lines patch fixing an bug in the libpurple C library of pidgin. A few hours mostly dedicated to finding the proper context and making sure the resulting work met the quality standards of the project.
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Uploading Bio++ packages to Debian
What does it take for Bio++ to enter the official repositories of Debian GNU/Linux ? Julien Dutheil and Loïc Dachary worked together to polish the packages and contribute them to Debian. This page is a summary of the topics that were discussed, by mail and on IRC.
Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the XiVO VCS (1/2)
XiVO is developped from a GIT repository and the corresponding Debian GNU/Linux packages are maintained in a SVN repository. An internal tool is used to build Debian GNU/Linux source packages by interpreting their content according to a set of conventions. A shell script was created to document and re-implemnt these conventions. The latest XiVO skaro release for squeeze is used as an example.
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Contribution to
A draft freemium business plan was written for paste3d assuming users would be willing to pay to get more resources. A backup infrastructure was setup to automate daily backups and send warnings when the disk is almost full. A debian package was drafted to ease deployment and tests were added to the primary backend script to prevent regressions.
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Bio++ packaging
What does it take for Bio++ to enter the official repositories of Debian GNU/Linux ?
Request For Packaging
The first step is to ask for a Debian Developer to package the software. This is called a RFP as in Request For Packaging and it is done by filling a bug report against the wnpp pseudo package. Since Debian packages for Bio++ are already provided the task of the Debian Developer is facilitated.
Even when Debian packages are already available, the odds of seducing a Debian Developer into taking responsibility for the package are small. The quality standards for a package entering Debian are higher than what is implemented by the amateur packager. However, meeting these standards is not a difficult task when using the proper tools.
Candidate XiVO skaro repository for x86_64
Using the same method as described in previous posts for XiVO gallifrey, a XiVO skaro repostory for x86_64 was created. A few packaging problems were fixed and reported but nothing blocked the process. The pf-xivo and pf-xivo-web-interface were successfully installed on a Debian GNU/Linux squeeze sandbox.
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Creating an independant XiVO Debian GNU/Linux repository from scratch (part 4/4)
A previous attempt was interrupted because packaging-farm did not support the generation of binary kernel modules packages using module-assistant. A new release implementing this feature, together with support for reprepro was published today (version 1.2.31). The resulting repository should be useable instead of the official lenny-xivo-gallifrey-dev.
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Creating an independant XiVO Debian GNU/Linux repository from scratch (part 3/4)
A previous attempt was interrupted because of missing dependencies and a failure to compile the sangoma-wanpipe package for i386. The dependencies were fixed and the sangoma-wanpipe compiled : the lenny i386 gallifrey repository is now complete. The packaging-farm needs to be improved to support building the kernel binary modules using module-assistant, when appropriate.
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