Testing a XiVO gallifrey repository (2/2)

The gallifrey repository was used to finalize the XiVO installation manually. It revealed a dependency to SVN that was fixed. Some packages that were loaded from the official repository were assembled from the git repositories. All the packages updated in git were rebuilt to keep the repository up to date and a virtual machine was re-installed from scratch to check its validity. A reference gallifrey was installed from the official repository to compare.

SVN keyword substitution bug fix

In some of the installed software (ctiservers) the SVN keywords are used to extract the software version number:

__version__ = "$Revision$"

However, since the binaries have been built from a git repository with a different naming scheme, this
no longer works. Corentin Le Gall fixed the problem immediately in the internal SVN repository

r10824 | kaou | 2011-05-16 11:08:49 +0200 (Mon, 16 May 2011) | 1 line
[bugfix] remove svn-dependent stuff because of git migration

The git repository was supposed to be updated by a cron job, but it crashed May 9th and was restarted May 16th by Romain Bignon:

commit a9f7ebff1a4db73184809a1696eb3b03b82b00f5
Author: Corentin Le Gall <clegall@proformatique.com>
Date:   Mon May 16 09:33:47 2011 +0000

    remove svn-dependent stuff because of git migration

    git-svn-id: https://rcs.lan.proformatique.com/svn/xivo/branches/official/1.1-gallifrey@10825 dc85baef-7018-0410-bfbd-8a639da648bb

After the git pull, the logs showed that some packages were modified. They were submitted to the farm:

packaging-farm DIRECTORY=ctiservers submit
packaging-farm DIRECTORY=asterisk submit
packaging-farm DIRECTORY=agid submit
packaging-farm DIRECTORY=lib-python submit

and a rebuild of gallifrey was requested.

packaging-farm gallifrey

collecting symbolic links

A few packages contain symbolic links that point outside of their directory:

gwr.py -> ../tools/gwr.py

When building the source package by assembling the debian directory and the source
directory, the actual file must be put in the archive instead of the symbolic link.

for dir in app_nv_faxdetect app_fax ami_aoriginate module_xivo res_config_sqlite ;
  do RSYNC_OPTIONS=--copy-unsafe-links packaging-farm DIRECTORY=$dir submit ;

The RSYNC_OPTIONS variable already existed in the submit-xivo.sh script but was not documented. A chapter
was added to the manual page:

              Before  the debian directory is assembled with the source direc-
              tory, a  copy  is  made  using  rsync(1).  The  content  of  the
              RSYNC_OPTIONS  variable  is  given in argument to the rsync com-
              mand. For instance it may be used to collect the actual  content
              of symbolic links pointing outside of the source directory.
              for dir in app_nv_faxdetect app_fax ami_aoriginate module_xivo res_config_sqlite ;
                do RSYNC_OPTIONS=--copy-unsafe-links packaging-farm DIRECTORY=$dir submit ;

Before installing pf-xivo it was necessary to install the dahdi-linux kernel module.

apt-get install dahdi-linux-modules-2.6.26-2-686
apt-get install pf-xivo

It was then possible to connect to the XiVO web interface:
alternate XiVO

gallifrey reference

ganeti instance
A new host is declared in the local DNS

root@host01:/etc/bind# git diff .
diff --git a/bind/db.10.10 b/bind/db.10.10
index 684d569..ea30300 100644
--- a/bind/db.10.10
+++ b/bind/db.10.10
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 $TTL    604800
 @       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost. (
-        2011041800      ; serial
+        2011051601      ; serial
                          604800         ; Refresh
                           86400         ; Retry
                         2419200         ; Expire
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ $TTL    604800
 ;; perl -n -e 'print if(s/(\S+)\s+IN\s+A\s+10\.10\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/\3.\2\tIN\tPTR\t\1.farm./)' < db.farm
 1.60   IN      PTR     dev.dachary.vm.farm.
 2.60   IN      PTR     skaro.xivo.vm.farm.
 3.60   IN      PTR     gallifrey.xivo.vm.farm.
+4.60   IN      PTR     gallifrey-test1.xivo.vm.farm.
diff --git a/bind/db.farm b/bind/db.farm
index 60da05a..2e4c669 100644
--- a/bind/db.farm
+++ b/bind/db.farm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ $TTL 1h ; default Time-to-Live. defines the duration that the record may be cach

 $ORIGIN farm.
 @                       IN      SOA             ns hostmaster (
-                        2011041800      ; serial
+                        2011051601      ; serial
                                 1h              ; refresh - time when the slave will try to refresh the zone from the mast
                                 30m             ; update retry - time between retries if the slave (secondary) (2h)
                                                 ; fails to contact the master when refresh (above) has expired.
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ host01                IN      A
 dev.dachary.vm         IN      A
 skaro.xivo.vm          IN      A
 gallifrey.xivo.vm      IN      A
+gallifrey-test1.xivo.vm        IN      A

An entry is allocated in the DHCP server, configured with a server to be used for network boot.

diff --git a/bind/db.farm b/bind/db.farm
index 60da05a..2e4c669 100644
--- a/bind/db.farm
+++ b/bind/db.farm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ $TTL 1h ; default Time-to-Live. defines the duration that the record may be cach

 $ORIGIN farm.
 @                       IN      SOA             ns hostmaster (
-                        2011041800      ; serial
+                        2011051601      ; serial
                                 1h              ; refresh - time when the slave will try to refresh the zone from the mast
                                 30m             ; update retry - time between retries if the slave (secondary) (2h)
                                                 ; fails to contact the master when refresh (above) has expired.
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ host01                IN      A
 dev.dachary.vm         IN      A
 skaro.xivo.vm          IN      A
 gallifrey.xivo.vm      IN      A
+gallifrey-test1.xivo.vm        IN      A

A ganeti based virtual machine is created with a VNC port enabled:

gnt-instance add -d -t plain -s 5G -B memory=512M,vcpus=1 \
   -H kvm:boot_order=network,vnc_bind_address= -n host01.farm \
   -o debootstrap+default --net 0:mac=52:54:24:1e:63:28 \

At boot time the menu options Production and Gallifrey are selected.
The firewall was reconfigured to accept HTTPS connections because it is the default when connecting to the
virtual machine with a browser (it gets redirected when trying with HTTP):

diff --git a/shorewall/rules b/shorewall/rules
index 3a7ea65..da38d67 100644
--- a/shorewall/rules
+++ b/shorewall/rules
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ ACCEPT                $FW             net             icmp

 SSH(ACCEPT)    net             $FW
 HTTP(ACCEPT)   net             $FW
+HTTPS(ACCEPT)  net             $FW
 # VNC ganeti
 ACCEPT         net             $FW             tcp     11000:11010
 # VNC libvirt

The nginx reverse proxy was configured to proxy SSL requests, after generating a certificate
according to the SSL module instructions:

server {
 ssl on;
 listen 443;
 server_name gallifrey-test1.dachary.org;
 access_log  /var/log/nginx/gallifrey.dachary.org.access.log;
 ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/server.crt;
 ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/server.key;

 location / {
  proxy_pass https://gallifrey-test1.xivo.vm.farm:443;
#  proxy_set_header Host $host;

And the XiVO web interface could be displayed.