oneliner to deploy teuthology on OpenStack

Note: this is obsoleted by Ceph integration tests made simple with OpenStack

The teuthology can be installed as a dedicated OpenStack instance on OVH using the OpenStack backend with:

nova boot \
   --image 'Ubuntu 14.04' \
   --flavor 'vps-ssd-1' \
   --key-name loic \
   --user-data <(curl --silent \ | \
     sed -e "s|OPENRC|$(env | grep OS_ | tr '\n' ' ')|") teuthology

Assuming the IP assigned to the instance is, the following will display the progress of the integration tests that are run immediately after the instance is created:

ssh ubuntu@ tail -n 2000000 -f /tmp/init.out

If all goes well, it will complete with:

========================= 8 passed in 1845.59 seconds =============
___________________________________ summary _________________________
  openstack-integration: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

And the pulpito dashboard will display the remains of the integration tests at like so: