A naming problem was identified that would prevent upgrading and distributing the packages accross multiple distributions. A new naming convention is proposed for discussion, based on the Debian GNU/Linux backport conventions. The 1.2.40 release of the packaging-farm was published with a documentation for the packaging-farm.conf configuration file and support for Ubunutu natty.
An alternate XiVO gallifrey repository (part 2/2)
The alternate gallifrey repository was assembled from the source and debian GIT repositories and complemented with packages found in the official dak. Some virtual packages ( gallifrey, dahdi-linux-modules, sangoma-wanpipe-modules and misdn-kernel-modules) where hand made. The resulting repository was compared to check for its useability.
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An alternate XiVO gallifrey repository (part 1/2)
An altnernate gallifrey repository repository was created and should be useable in two weeks from now as an alternative to the official repository. The 1.2.38 release of packaging-farm was produced with the bug fixes done in the process.
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Signing and naming XiVO packages
Support for GPG signing the packages has been added to the 1.2.37 release of packaging-farm, together with full support for the naming conventions of XiVO.
packaging infrastructure for XiVO
A new hardware dedicated to XiVO packaging was installed. The former virtual machine was migrated there. A first attempt to actually use the packaging-farm led to version 1.2.36 of packaging-farm with improved documentation and some bug fixes.
building XiVO skaro from sources
Most XiVO pacakges were rebuilt from sources using the corresponding debian repository, except for misdn. It revealed bugs in the recently implemented features of packaging-farm. They were fixed and it was the opportunity write an extensive man page. Minor packaging bugs were reported and a debate on the version number conventions started.
XiVO sources conventions implemented and documented
A shell script implementing the XiVO sources conventions was integrated in packaging-farm and documented. Creating a package can be done from the repositories with a one-liner packaging-farm DIRECTORY=lib-javascript PACKAGE=pf-xivo-lib-js submit
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Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the VCS (2/2)
A shell script has been completed and creates a Debian GNU/Linux package in accordance to the conventions laid out in the first part of this post. Version 1.2.33 of the packaging farm has been published to further automate the package generation and reduce the required configuration file editions].
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Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the XiVO VCS (1/2)
XiVO is developped from a GIT repository and the corresponding Debian GNU/Linux packages are maintained in a SVN repository. An internal tool is used to build Debian GNU/Linux source packages by interpreting their content according to a set of conventions. A shell script was created to document and re-implemnt these conventions. The latest XiVO skaro release for squeeze is used as an example.
Continue reading “Creating a Debian GNU/Linux source package from the XiVO VCS (1/2)”
Candidate XiVO skaro repository for x86_64
Using the same method as described in previous posts for XiVO gallifrey, a XiVO skaro repostory for x86_64 was created. A few packaging problems were fixed and reported but nothing blocked the process. The pf-xivo and pf-xivo-web-interface were successfully installed on a Debian GNU/Linux squeeze sandbox.
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