An inventory of the current state of the CSS integration and the game interaction was created to allow a side by side comparison. The left image is the mockup and the right image is the screenshot from the skin page used for integration. The comments are from the point of view of the developer in need of answered related to the artwork or the gameplay.
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CSS integration and game interactions (part 2)
The page where the user picks a card at the beginning of a game was integrated. The modifications also include an update of the logo and adjustments of the game creation and vote selection confirmation.
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Credits and copyright display
A credits and copyright notice has been embedded in the HTML page so that it is present at all times. It is displayed as an overlay on top of the current page when the user clicks on the powered by link added at the bottom of each page.
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CSS integration and game interactions (part 1)
tartarugafeliz created a new set of mockups for improved interactions. The players are shown a page to make it clear that they should wait for the others to pick a card or wait for the others to vote. A link to the list of game was added to each page. A game progress indicator is shown at the top right corner of each page.
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Testing a XiVO gallifrey repository (2/2)
The gallifrey repository was used to finalize the XiVO installation manually. It revealed a dependency to SVN that was fixed. Some packages that were loaded from the official repository were assembled from the git repositories. All the packages updated in git were rebuilt to keep the repository up to date and a virtual machine was re-installed from scratch to check its validity. A reference gallifrey was installed from the official repository to compare.
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merging cardstories contributions
Xavier Antoviaque contributed patches on a few different topics. They were inlined into a ticket, isolated into a branch, cherry picked or manually reconstructed.
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videoshell testing
videoshell is a standalone shell script to transform MTS videos in the FLV or AVI formats. Tests were implemented and proposed to the author.
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The 1.0.3 cardstories release candidate has been installed. It improves packaging and interaction.
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select a card from a deck
The cardstories JavaScript client was modified to show feedback when selecting a card. The cards are made bigger and overlapping to improve readability. The author of the game can only chose between seven cards instead of 36.
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merging contributions
There currently are three repositories, loic, antoviaque and lincoln. Pending patches from lincoln and antoviaque have been merged into loic repository.
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